Wednesday, January 26, 2005

About this site

This site is me, or at least a part of me. It will contain posts related to things that I find interesting that I would like to share with you. For the most part the posts will be frivolous anecdotes about topics of interest with very little of a serious nature involved. My intention is to stay away from politics and religion...topics that I am very interested in but are not in the spirit of what I want this blog to be. I want to recommend books that I've enjoyed and want others to read. I want to give my Siskel and Ebert, or Ebert and Roeper, about movies I've seen either in the theatre or on DVD. I want to link to sites of interest in the hopes that I can get others excited about the things that excite me. I'm hoping that those who already know me will get to know me a little better and that those who will never meet me will find that there is a kindred spirit here-someone with a plethora of interests that is not afraid to share them with the world. I hope you have fun on this site. It began very recently as an accidental experiment and I'm really enjoying it. I don't expect this to be a well traveled site but my intention is to craft it as if it were. And for those of you who take the time to read my inane ramblings I want to say 'thank you'. I hope you take the time to post as I'd like to hear from you. And don't be afraid to start a blog of your own. Its an easy and highly enjoyable way to spend a little bit of your day.


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